
Setting up a Carriage Clock


First check that all packing inside is removed and then wind the clock up fully. The correct method of winding the clock with the key provided is to gently press the key against the square arbour and turn the key several turns until you feel a resistance. This will ensure that the clock will go for the full 8 days. After winding the clock the clock mechanism should start to tick.

However, sometimes the mechanism will require starting manually. Should this occur, lift the clock with the brass handle and gently turn the clock from left to right and it should start.

To set the clock, most carriage clocks have a hand setting arbour (located in the middle of the back plate). Place the rear end of the winding key into the arbour and move the hands gently round the clock to the correct time. If you have a striking carriage clock, make sure that when you turn the hands allow each hourly strike to finish its sequence to avoid the strike mechanism jamming. If the hands lock do not force them. Turn the hands back and allow the chime to finish and then gently move the hands on. (Please remember that the hands should not be turned back more than 15 minutes as this would distort the lever that triggers the strike mechanism).

Within a few days you should notice how well the clock is keeping time. If the clock is going too fast or too slow you can adjust the timekeeping by moving the regulator. This is usually a thin steel lever which is found at the top of the mechanism and normally extends to the rear of the clock.. Either on the back plate of the clock or on the platform escapement you should see the letters F or S (this represents fast or slow). Should the clock gain time, move the steel lever to S (slow) or if it is slow turn it to F (fast). The adjustment of the regulator should be done in very small movements. For adjusting the clock by 1 minute a day move the regulator half a millimetre at a time. We would suggest that you make a small adjustment and then leave it for 24 hours to see how much it has lost or gained before making another adjustment.

Most carriage clocks have an 8 day movement, and should therefore be wound once a week.


To maintain the clock you should have it checked and serviced every 4-5 years. (Please note - Do not attempt to oil the clock yourself. This should be done by a qualified repairer. Over-oiling a clock can affect the running and condition of the clock)